The Charleville and District
Community Support Association Incorporated
Monday - Friday
Rights and Responsibilities
The Charleville and District Community Support Association Incorporated is committed to delivering a high standard of service to consumers regardless of age, sex, sexuality, race, creed, language, ethnic and cultural background, religion, disability, socio-economic disadvantage, or geographical location.
As a consumer of The Charleville and District Community Support Association Incorporated you:
Have the right to be treated with respect and dignity.
Have the right to feel safe when in the Neighbourhood Centre environment and when receiving services in or outside of the Centre.
Can assure that your personal information will be treated respectfully and within the bounds of the organisations’ confidentiality policy.
Have the right to adequate physical access to the building, regardless of disability.
Have the right to all information regarding the service they are receiving, including how the service works, its scope and its limitations.
Have the right to have a support person with you during any contact with the organisation.
Have the right to make complaints regarding services if high standards have not been met and if the above rights have been disregarded.
Have the right to have complaints fairly dealt with, using the consumer grievance procedure.